Secret Project Revealed! Indivisible!

At long, long last I can announce I wrote a portion of 505 Games and Lab Zero’s newest game, Indivisible.

That said, everything the writing team did was passed on to an in-house writer to unify the voice and tone of the writing, so it’ll be interesting to see how much of my original copy survived to the end (haha).

With this announcement comes touch-ups to the Comics Books and Portfolio parent tabs, as well as the Television and Videogame sections. The individual Comic Book pages by publisher will be updated in time.

Thanks, and I hope y’all enjoy!

DC Unchained

I’m pleased to unveil one of my “secret projects.” I was the writer and localizer for the newest mobile game, DC Unchained, available for your mobile devices now.

Update to the Videogame Portfolio – Sorta

This website serves two functions: to update folks on what I’ve got going on, and to act as a big ol’ resume. The problem with a resume, though, is it’s only as strong as its content, and I’ve been sitting on some jobs that have been completed (or are nearly complete) for a while now. Since they aren’t formally announced, I can’t claim credit for the work done – but I can’t really market myself either, now can I?

So I’ve settled on a middle ground. I won’t say who these projects are for, or when they’ll come out, or what platforms they’re on. The secrecy will remain! But I can at least show you all what I’ve done and give you a taste of what you can expect in the future.