Fan Expo ’12 and New Crusaders Signing

Remember when I said Heroes Con would likely be my only public appearance?

No? – Good!  I never said it.
Yes? – Well now you know I’m a dirty liar.  No-People, please disregard this line.

I’ll be present at the Archie booth at Fan Expo in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) from Thursday Augusts 23rd to Sunday August 26th.  You can check out their website here:

I’ll have just enough time to visit The Ex and catch my breath before swooping out to Midtown Comics in New York City.  I’ll be signing the premier of the first printed issue along with other creatives from New Crusaders on Saturday, September 8th from 1PM-3PM.

Do keep in mind that Fate is a fickle mistress, so times and events may change.  But if I’m posting it here, then it’s pretty sure to be a lock.

Thanks and see you there!

New Crusaders – Get hyped now!

New Crusaders, my fourth monthly title under Archie Comics, is due out in May.  To that end, I’ve started up a subforum for it over on the forums.  Also keep a weather eye on my Twitter and Facebook pages as I’ll be sharing news, previews and interviews as they’re coming out.

If you’re a fan of super hero books and are looking for something fresh, or if you’re looking to see what’s so great about the genre and want to start at the ground floor, you’re going to love New Crusaders.