BumbleKast #73

On this episode of the BumbleKast, Ian and Kyle reflect fondly on Mega Man X of the past and ponder its future.

Patreon Perk – Jump the Q&A: 39:00

Priority Q&A
Eric F.
What is he meaning of life?

What are your thoughts on the removal on the Sega All-Stars from the next Sonic racing game? Would you have preferred the All-Stars to come back, or are you happy that a larger portion of the Sonic cast are getting a chance to shine?

Standard Q&A
Antonio V.
Since Cream and Cheese can’t really fight in battles, are there ways for her to still be useful (i.e. being a support character)?

Nicholas J.
Back in the Archie Sonic comic series, there were four brides of four clans. Bride of Rich Nights, Bride of Constant Virgil, Bride of Endless Reach, and Bride of Conquering Storm. And I was wondering about who’s good, and who’s bad. I believe that Bride of Conquering Storm was. I also believe that Rich Nights & Constant Virgil were probably good too. But I’m wondering about Bride of Rich Nights. Was she good or bad? I hope to get a response about this, and to see if I was right on the first 3.

Since the games are not exactly canon, are allowed to have their stories happened differently? I know that so far, Colors, Lost World, and Forces have been referenced.

Justin A.
This is for Kyle:)
Where do you feel vgm remixes will be in the next few decades or so? Do you think it will start to lose it’s niche popularity, or will it only grow? Will the next generation of musicians still want to remix old games like Sonic 2, Castlevania and mega man, or will they focus their efforts on games they grew up with like Overwatch, Uncharted, and Splatoon?

End of Shows Links:
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BumbleKast #71 & BumbleKast Gaming #40

Due to travel and other scheduling conflicts, last week’s BKG update piggybacks on today’s BumbleKast update.

Ian an Kyle review the highlights of this year’s Heroes Con and E3.

Patreon Perk – Jump to the Q&A: 1:08:12

ScruffyMatt if you could put any of the comics characters into Team Sonic Racing, who would you like to play as?

James What are your plans for IDW Sonic going forward well beyond Year One and how is Sticks the Badger involved?
LucarioOcarina What are your favorite movie genres? What do you love most about them?
Sonicfizz77 If you were to adapt Team Sonic Racing into the comics, what would it be like?