Archie Halloween Spectacular, due out this October, will continue the adventure that began in Sabrina’s one-shot earlier this year. You can find the official solicit here.
Archie Halloween Spectacular, due out this October, will continue the adventure that began in Sabrina’s one-shot earlier this year. You can find the official solicit here.
I’m returning to Glendale for a three-part adventure spanning three different specials this year. It will pit Sabrina against a new and powerful foe named Mother Striga.
Part One will be found in the Sabrina the Teenage Witch Annual Spectacular #1, on sale this September.
You can find more details on the story arc and Mother Striga in this news article by Games Radar.
I’ve been neglecting updates to the Archie Comics part of the portfolio. Been busy! But if you fancy yourself a collector the listing for the digests has been updated with new and upcoming releases, organized by title.
I’ve been having a lot of fun mixing the superhero elements into everyday Riverdale, with the occasional dip into other older properties. They’re sold in just about every newsstand and drug store, so you can’t miss ’em. Happy hunting!
I’ve entered into a new partnership program with Archie Comics where business coming from my side earns me a small dividend. Think of it as like all the Raycon, Boxu and VPN ads you see on YouTube.
So if you’d like to add to your Archie collection and help me out a little, visit their store via this link, or from the Publisher Links page. As of this post they have a Halloween sale going on, so now would be the perfect time to pick up Archie Halloween Spectacular #1 that debuts Trick and Treat! Thanks, and enjoy!
The latest round of solicitations are out, and with them come some #KnowingSmiles!
I’m a contributing writer to The Archie Encyclopedia, a who’s who of everyone in the Riverdale universe and beyond.
I’ll also be tackling two cases with Sam Hill in a couple of digest stories in the comic months.
Follow this link for all the details.