BumbleKomics Shop Update

PayPal is no longer accepted on the BumbleKomics Shop due to the ever-increasing processing fees. I charge cover price, which means profit margins are thin as it is.

The shop now accepts Stripe and the myriad of other payment options it supports (e.g. Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.)

New Drogune! (It’s Old Drogune)

As Adam and I diligently hammer away at the new direction of Drogune, we don’t want to forget where we started. The original 60+ page run, which started back in 2016, is now available as a free digital trade.

Why free? Well the webcomic was free. Wouldn’t seem fair to take it all down and charge for it, now does it?

However, if you feel inclined to help Drogune with your mighty dollar, head over to the Patreon and support the new direction!