Magfest Day 3!

Join me, Kyle and many other talents at 10:30AM in Chesapeake Rooms A-C for a discussion over how to get your show up and running.

Then, if you per-registered, come to the meet n’ greet at Rock Island at 3PM. If you didn’t get a ticket, we’ll still try to see you if we can!

Magfest Day 2!

I’ll be giving a lecture on writing for others and the process of writing for licensed material today at 1:00 PM in the Chesapeake Rooms A-C. As the day rolls over into Saturday, join me & Daniel Mulligan as we talk about starting up an indie game @ midnight in Baltimore 3-5.

Magfest – Day 1!

Day 1 of #Magfest!
Join us at 6:30 PM in the Baltimore Room for BumbleKast Live!

I’ll be cruising the show as I can. See if you can catch me in the wild!

Books and Fortune Cards are for sale at Rock Island. Grab what you can ahead of the signing on Saturday!