New Convention News!

A boatload of new con appearance news is dropping today!

First, I’ve been invited to table at Anime North in May! Secondly, I’ve been confirmed for returning to FanExpo in August!

Third, and on a less happy note, I have to confirm I will not be attending Heroes Con this year. Family and financial concerns mean even a trip to my home town is off the table. I’ve been doing Heroes Con since my career began, and I’m upset I’ll be missing out this year. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend the show: great for family and kids, and it’s very low-key despite the size. Maybe next year, Heroes Con.

As always keep a weather eye on the welcome page and BumbleKalendar for updates on table locations, panels, and specific show times.

BumbleKast Updates

The BumleKast is still rolling along. The BumbleKast page has been updated to include new download options, and new support options if you want to keep the show running. We’re also producing more of our BumbleKommentaries, which you can stream for free or purchase for the low, low price of $1.00 USD.