
Unused Zor Concept

In the crossover story “Worlds Unite,” the Deadly Six of “Sonic: Lost World” became the minions of Sigma from the Mega Man X franchise. Sigma gifted the Deadly Six with power-enhancing armor, which allowed him to take control of otherwise immune organic beings. Originally, the armors were meant to be themed to each of the Deadly Six, but SEGA asked they be made into smaller, uniform designs. Final, unused designs are by Dan Schoeing: Instagram: instagram.com/dannyschoening/ Twitter: @Dapperpomade ZOR Zor’s tiny, rat-like body made it a bit tricky to come up with armor. However, since he’s closer to a “normal” body, I didn’t feel quite as intimidated when designing his. His boss fights used a lot of mechanical owls, especially in the 3DS version. The scalloped armor plated “feathers” and giant eyes are all very easy visual themes to use.